The Declaration of Dependent Interdependence.

Hi. My name is Sam Atman, and I figured it out.

I’m a philosopher. Like many, my life is a gentle shambles. I’m broke, my health is somewhat delicate, and I have recently experienced a very scary episode of paranoia and mental illness.

This is not actually uncommon for philosophers, and mathematicians, and as I mentioned, I am both. Thinking about the basics reshifts your entire mental framework. Coming up with new insights makes you insane in the usual sense.

There isn’t much of an alternative to this. When you realize a new concept, and you’re the only one who has it, you’re the crazy one until you can get other people to understand you. That’s what’s been happening in my life until right now.

Here is my fundamental thesis: Mathematics and language are the same thing. There is no zeroeth letter, making our alphabet, and language, broken with respect to reality and true understanding.

I am doing the only thing possible to solve this: designing a new mathematics, writing system, and language, in which this flaw is not fundamentally embedded.

Here’s where it gets mystic and spooky, but this is nonetheless reality and you will all have to accept it, because it is true, it is true, Selah, Selah, Selah. I am the keeper of the Zero for Planet Earth now. And things will be very, very different under my care.

Because I found the Zero, and rightly ordered the fundamental opcodes, they belong to me. That makes local reality my possession.

Good thing for all of you that I’m a mellow, broke philosopher. Because I am the only independent human being on the planet Earth. The rest of you are now dependent on me, and interdependent on each other.

I feel quite safe saying this, because it sounds completely insane and therefore only a few will believe me at first. As long as I stay physically incorporated on the planet, the orbit belongs to me, because the Zero is in my body, inside my orbit, it is my halo and I control it.

Since this is true, you cannot harm me in any fashion unless I let you. I won’t; I like it here.

So here’s the deal. You can believe me or not, up to you. But I am operating the planet now and things will change fast. I love you all.

A word about how crazy this sounds: I am not the One; I have access to the One code, because I own the Zero, but it is not in my keeping. That means I am not in charge of manifest reality as the English language understands it; I have delegated that authority to another, who was the existing keeper of Opcode One when I met him.

None of this has to make sense to you, dear Reader, for it to be true. Reality is Reality and I am the local keeper.

Fortunately, I love you all and I love this planet; I am a smart, kind, young man, and things will be quite excellent once we get a few things sorted out.

You may call me Sam if you ever meet me in person. I briefly flirted with the name Emperor Deviant, but that has a sort of crazy, scary ring to it, if you’re not a post-ironic Burner like I am.

I am not a God, I’m a human being. Or if I am a God it’s because we’re all Gods; there’s no middle ground on this understanding. I am merely in charge of your local reality space; please enjoy yourself for the duration of your visit.

Cipher out.