Ataman Samuel Anthony is unusual, much as a royal flush is unusual. He is educated in divers fields, with professional education in Chemistry, Genetic Engineering, and Mathematics, and a professional background that runs the gamut from copy editing, to chimerance, computer programming, pilot-scale psychedelic research,  small business ownership and crowdsourcing. He has made unique contributions to the fields of linguistics, game theory, and others, and has unusual and exciting ideas in power, transportation and related fields. He is a passable poet, a decent cook, and a raconteur of some repute. Genetically, he is tall, wickedly intelligent, and has otherwise inherited a few wildcards, including impulsivity etc. He is, all around, the kind of interesting guy you probably want to know.

Recent interests include writing three programming languages more-or-less simultaneously, climate change, and the Kingdom of Tejas.

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